115,739 Steps through London

From the first step off the plane at Heathrow to the last step back to Georgia, London has been an experience like none I’ve ever had before. It has been a mix of exhausting, exciting, stressful, and fun all at the same time.

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So many things in London are different from America. I never would have known exactly how different people and culture could be without experiencing it first hand. It didn’t take very long to realize that southern hospitality actually exists and isn’t just a myth, and I’ll appreciate it much more now. I’ll also appreciate having my own car and being able to drive where ever I want whenever I want instead of having to plan trips through the tube. The tube was terrifying at first but after a little bit it became much easier to understand. However I’ll probably never understand why they don’t put ice in their drinks here or what the appeal of sparkling water is.

My favorite experience by far in London was the Warner Brothers Studio Tour. I got to put myself inside the world of Harry Potter in the place that it was filmed, which is a once in a lifetime type of experience. I also enjoyed going to Greenwich and standing across the Prime Meridian. Greenwich is so green and pretty and it’s so much easier to breathe there than in the center of London.

Throughout this whole trip I walked all over London, got lost way more than once, and pushed my navigational skills to their limits, but the experience (and the instagram pictures) was so worth it. I walked 115,739 steps, 51.11 miles, and climbed 119 flights of stairs through London. It was so exhausting and I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed, but I’m so happy I did it.

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